The Ageing in Place Pathfinder (AIPP) is a collaborative project between SKylight and The University of Manchester with the goal of improving quality of life by reducing health inequalities for the over-50s community in Brinnington.

Meet the Ageing in Place Pathfinder (AIPP) team

  • Nerys Carpenter - Partnership and Engagement Officer
  • Clare Hughes - Partnership and Engagement Assistant
  • Adela Mortimer - Partnership and Engagement Assistant

What do the AIPP team do?

The team is regularly in Brinnington building relationships with residents and groups, providing support wherever they can, and putting on events to give the residents the chance to get out in their community and have their voices heard about what they'd like to see in Brinnington.

We want the residents of Brinnington to help us deliver the best possible outcomes for the project and to do that we need your help, you can support the project by attending our steering group, engaging with our events, and completing our surveys. These are all the best ways for your voices to be heard and we encourage you to use these opportunities as much as you can.

Brinnington Independence Walk

Walking Month

Residents from Brinnington took part in Walking Month.
Well Being22 Adela Mortimer

The Brinnington Circle

Find out more about the Brinnington Circle and what activities are taking place across Brinnington.

AIPP Community Calendar

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Ageing in Place Pathfinder - Brinnington