SKylight named a winner at the Northern Housing Awards
SKylight, part of Stockport Homes Group has been named a winner at the Northern Housing Awards for ‘…

SKylight Appoints Marie Gilluley as New Chair of SKylight Board
Read about the new Chair of the SKylight Board

SKylight takes home ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ award at Stockport Business Awards
Read about SKylight's latest award win at the Stockport Business Awards.

Charitable organisation SKylight shortlisted in UK Housing Awards
The winners will be announced on the 26th November.

Stockport join the UK’s biggest growing movement for food systems change
Stockport is amongst the latest to achieve membership of the Sustainable Food Places network.

Changing lives through accreditation: building futures with SKylight
Hear from NCFE about SKylight's dedication to supporting people into employment.

Beechwood Community Choir
Read about Beechwood Community Choir and their Community Fund award.