What we have done
We have helped groups attract funding since 2012.
million of grants
million of match funding in Stockport
success rate on over 827 bids
How we can help:
- Setting up your group – help with a constitution or other documents
- Searching for funding – detailed funding search for your work
- Writing your first funding bid – advice and examples of bids
- “Critical Friend” – reading over your bid before you submit it.
- Chance to meet funders - Funding events, networking and meeting funders.
Before you bid:
You will need a few things in place:
- A group of people with ideas. Funders tend to fund groups not individuals
- A bank account in the name of the group with two signatories
- A constitution (written rules of your group) – including a “dissolution clause”
- At least three people who will play the roles chair, treasurer and secretary
Some funds available locally

SKylight Community Fund
You can apply for up to £2,000 through the Community Fund.

Forever Manchester CDL Fund
Funding is available for grassroots community groups based in the Borough of Stockport delivering activities that contribute positively to well-being and improved health of local people.

Manchester Airport Community Trust Fund
Each year Manchester Airports Group contributes £100,000 to the Fund. These funds are then used to support neighbourhood and community projects throughout the area.

National Lottery Awards For All
You can apply for funding to deliver a new or existing activity or to support your organisation to change and adapt to new and future challenges.