Take this opportunity to join our new Stockport Steps to Work Programme.

Step to Work Programme

Learn about our Step to Work programme and how its supported young people into employment.

Stockport Steps to Work seeks to join, employers holding entry-level vacancies, and young persons who are job-ready and eager for an opportunity to embark on their first career. 

As part of this, employers will be able to access an incentive scheme comprising £4500 in wage support for engaging in the programme and supporting a young person from the target groups in Stockport into sustained employment. 

This new Stockport Council-funded programme will see Stockport Homes provide a pre-employment and in-work support service for young people and employers to ensure a great start in their new jobs. 

Steps to Work has been designed to support both young people and the employer during the first six months in their new role, ensuring the post holder is successful with their new career, and the employer is experiencing the positive impact of a new member of the team. 

As part of the Stockport Steps to Work programme you won’t just be hiring a new employee, you will be changing a young person’s life. 

All the young people on the programme have faced barriers but continued to show resilience, a positive attitude, and a desire to learn and develop. 

The young people we support are eager, job-ready and dedicated to starting their careers. You can be the person and business that makes the difference. 

The benefits of employing someone through the steps to work programme include; 

  • Dedicated support from Stockport Homes
  • An opportunity to diversify your workforce
  • Being part of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter

Steps to Work has been commissioned by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council as part of the commitment to support young people to develop fulfilling careers. This program has a focus on young people who are Care Leavers, NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) needs. 

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council in conjunction with the delivery partner, Stockport Homes, are seeking employment opportunities to support 22 young people into suitable positions within organisations locally. 

Expressing an interest could not be simpler

Please complete the Steps to Work Enquiry form to register your Company Details and current vacancy within your organisation. Alternatively please follow the URL link to register potential interest or to be contacted by one of the team for more information. 

Expressing an interest does not trigger registration on the programme, we would like to welcome you and your business to contact us via the URL link to discuss further this excellent opportunity with no obligation to log your vacancy with us. 

Should you decide to express an interest, or log your vacancy, you will be contacted by a member of the Stockport Homes Employment Team, to gain additional details that relate to the role, and discuss further the programme opportunities for your organisation, and the young people we are supporting. We can then start the process of matching our young people to your vacant position. 

Your organisation will then have the opportunity to meet and interview the young person, to explore the employment opportunity and suitability. 

If your company is accepted onto the programme, we have a support package that you can access if you are placing a young person into employment over 27 hours. 

WAGE SUPPORT incentive scheme full value at £4500 

Employers are supported by the Stockport Homes Employment Team to access 50%, (£2250) once the new employee has completed 8 weeks in a post and then a further 50%, (£2250) after the employee has completed 6 months with the employer, and demonstrated the longer term progression plan for the young person. 

Should you wish to register a part-time vacancy this can also be explored with the Stockport Homes employment team. 

Registration Data for Employers and Claiming the Grant Funding

You will be asked to enter into an agreement with Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council to access the Wage Support grant. This will all be facilitated by the Stockport Homes Employment Team who carry all responsibility for documentation and Employer, Employee information. 

Depending on availability, and eligibility each employer is eligible for a maximum of wage support payments for 2 young people during the lifetime of the scheme. Agreement to provide wage support payments for a second young person is only eligible once the first young person has completed at least 6 months in employment, and evidence of the ongoing sustained employment and progression plan for the first young person beyond 6 months is provided. This will be provided by the Stockport Homes employment team. 

The Wage Support will only be granted where a new employment opportunity has been created. 

The wage support will be payable in 2 stages; 

1) 50% (£2250) once your new employee has completed 8 weeks in post 

2) 50% (£2250) once the employee has completed 26 weeks in post 

  • For the Employer to be eligible for the Wage Support the individual recruited should be paid at least the national Minimum Wage for their age. The exception to this is for 16 – 17 year olds who should be paid at least £6.45 an hour for the employer to be eligible for this grant. This criteria remains the same if the individual commences an Apprenticeship
  • Employment contracts should be for a minimum of 27 hours per week – options for part-time can be explored on a bespoke basis
  • A job progression or stainability plan must be in place for each young person recruited
  • Employers receiving the support payment are encouraged to join as Supporters of the Greater Manchester Good Employment Charter if not already joined
  • All claims for the Wage Support must be verified by Stockport Homes as the Employer Engagement and In-Work support provider for the project 
  • All Wage Support applications should be made via Stockport Homes which will then pass onto the Council. Funds will be released by Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council on satisfactory completion of the application and evidence of the employment periods and progression
  • All applications must be approved and committed prior to 31st March 2022. Please note that no new applications will be processed beyond the 31st March 2023 
Important Information for Employers

The Wage Support £4500 becomes payable once an individual has completed; 

  • 8 weeks in their role with a participating employer as verified by Stockport Council 50%
  • 26 weeks in their role with a participating employer as verified by Stockport Council 50% 

In the case that the young person recruited leaves employment or is dismissed by the employer and therefore does not complete either the 8 weeks or the 26 weeks in post the Local Authority reserves the right to withhold payment to the employer. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 

Grants are subject to further eligibility checks and funding availability and the signing of the declaration is not a guarantee of grant funding.